Adopt a Rottweiler
Or Other Power Breeds
Browse through our gallery of wonderful
dogs looking for their forever home.

Adopt a Rottweiler
Or Other Power Breeds
Browse through our gallery of wonderful
dogs looking for their forever home.

Adopt a Rottweiler
Or Other Power Breeds
Browse through our gallery of wonderful
dogs looking for their forever home.

Our Mission Is Our Vision
Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary is a Non-Profit, No-Kill rescue that provides sanctuary for abused, medically needy and older Rottweilers. We provide a safe place for dogs in shelters on death row, owners who are no longer able to care for their dogs, and military families who are unable to take their dogs to their next duty station. We are centrally located on a beautiful property in Gainesville, FL … not too far from University of Florida.
We are dedicated to creating Rottweiler breed ambassadors. We work with shelters statewide to rescue Rotties who are either overlooked or are banned from being made available for adoption due to local breed restrictions. The dogs in our care are provided with all medical needs, including spay/neuter, vaccinations, heart worm treatment, and any other treatment necessary. We also strive to educate the public about the true nature of the breed, encouraging responsible ownership, care and training in hopes of reducing the number of Rottweilers that would, without such support, be surrendered by their owners, either abandonment, shelters, or surrender.
The percentage of SUCCESSFUL adoptions in a 6 year period, whereby each dog was happily re-homed ... permanently.

You Have Our Word
Here at Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch, we are 100% committed to finding loving, forever homes for each of our adoptable dogs. Due to the high level of vetting we conduct on all applications, the adoption process may take a little longer than expected. However, this is done in an effort to ensure that all adoptions are fully setup for success, and not failure. We want our dogs to become full, life-long family members, who will be able to live out the rest of their lives in security, joy and love, while providing the same to their human family. This is why in a period of six years, we have only had three dogs return, all due to personal owner issues (one of which was permanently re-homed within a month). Statistics like this can only be achieved by taking what we do extremely seriously … and we do. You have our word!