About Us
Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary is a non-profit, no-kill 501(c)3 shelter for Rottweilers. We rescue, care for, and find homes for homeless pets who arrive at FLRRR for various reasons, including:
- Abuse, neglect, or abandonment
- Owners whose time, income, or situation changes
- Animals scheduled for euthanasia at shelters
We have many adoptable dogs as well as animals with varied medical or behavioral needs. No animal is euthanized due to medical expense or the inconvenience of care.
You Cannot Re-Write a Dog's Past, But...
...You Can Help Write
Their Future.

No Ordinary Rescue
Our fearless leader, Joseph Pimentel, Sr., doesn’t just home dogs at FLRRR, but spends every day and night with them throughout the year.
Working on training, behaviors, and welfare of all the dogs in his care, Joe takes his dedication to the breed and all dogs under his ward, very seriously and personally. With over 25 years working with Rottweilers, he has learned more about the breed than most people will ever know.
Joe describes the evolving temperament, over time, as infants the first two years, then bratty teens for two years, until eventually evolving into calm adults. Like any breed, owners must set boundaries and teach their pup as we do with children, to behave and act according to expectations.
With all breeds, and especially a large powerful dog as the Rottweiler, doing your research and familiarity with the history and bred general behaviors, is critical to making the right match for that life-long home.
The Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch goes above and beyond many other rescues, providing large “dog runs” for most dogs, and daily scheduled time, especially for those that need help with behavior and health issues. The dogs are also walked regularly and socialized with staff and volunteers. Kennels are cleaned multiple times throughout the day and dogs are provided quality food and all monthly supplements. Dogs receive all necessary medical care, including neutering/spaying, vaccinations and microchips. FLRRR dogs even have their own personal toys … and from time to time, we even play music for them.
We routinely rescue dogs on “death row” and have taken dogs in, from all over the United States. FLRRR has also been involved in taking in dogs from areas throughout the country, having been hit by natural disasters.
Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary is constantly striving to do better and be better. We believe it is critical, for the development of the organization, to invest into the rescue whenever we can, through equipment, technology, facilities management, and whatever else we can do to help elevate the organization to the next level. All these efforts, together with the support we receive from the Florida community (and beyond), ultimately lead to more of what we’re all about … adoptions-adoptions-adoptions.
"The greatest reward is that moment, when they meet their new family, and you can see the joy in both faces as they bond”.
Joseph Pimentel, Sr.